Thursday 21 May 2009

Summer Events for Disabled People's Organisations (DPOs)

This summer, as part of the Building Our Futures project, six events are being organised for DPOs in London. They all range around employment issues in DPOs, in line with the reseach part of the project, and are organised in response to the research - meeting identified needs.

They include three network events - one for workers, one for Chief Officers and one for chairs of management committees (Trustees), and three training events - managing performance, managing sickness and managing Access to Work. So far the events are proving popular, but there are still some places left, so if you want to book a place go to the website at and download a booking form. Information is there in Word and PDF format, and also in EayRead.

All events are fully accessible, and we will attempt to meet all attendees access needs if they book before the end of may (that's not to say it can't be done after that date).