Sponsored moustaches
It's a completely screwed up world we live in where the only way people will give money to charities is by somebody else doing something pointless. I agree also that it's a strange world where some of the money you might give pays for that other person's holiday, or even their entry fee to run a marathon. A friend has asked me today to donate money to a prostate cancer charity her partner is supporting by.... growing a moustache. The campaign is at http://www.movember.com/ I am happy to support a prostate cancer charity. I am less happy to support proliferation of moustaches in the world. In the same way, I am not happy to pay for someone's sponsored trek, by paying for them to pollute the world by flying to Peru. On the other hand I'm going to donate, as I've donated to other people running marathons and things. I wish they'd stop though, and just asked me to donate to a worthy cause because they need the money, not because they want to grow a moustache, run 26 miles or whatever...

Meanwhile, I thoroughly recommend THIS website:
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